We always try our best to complete the Tune-Up Specials as quickly as possible. We recommend scheduling as early in the day as you can to increase your chances of having your Tune-Up completed same-day. The 5 Minute Duration listed below is just the time in-office to check-in your device for the Tune-Up Special. Timing of your Tune-Up can be found below….

Standard Tune-Up - About 24-hours, this is not guaranteed.

Expedited Tune-Up - About 6-hours, guaranteed.

Watchdog Tune-Up - About 24-hours, this is not guaranteed. Watchdog customers can upgrade to Expedited for +$35.

Important - If the device needs additional upgrades or repairs beyond the items covered under the Tune-Up Special, that will extend the time needed and increase the cost. Additional timing and costs will be explained by your technician once your device is on the bench.